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Winter Lakes Elementary School

Home of the

To register a student for the 2024-25 school year, or for details about registration, please contact the front office of Winter Lakes Elementary at 541-396-2414.

Sharon Nelson

Sharon Nelson Director of Early Childhood Development & Administrator of Winter Lakes Elementary School Operations

Ericka Hays Secretary

Casey Clapper Teacher 6/7 and PE

Betty McDaniel Teacher 3/4

Mary Robson Teacher 4/5

Alicia Whitehead Teacher – Elementary

Mary Robson Teacher – Elementary

Betty McDaniel Teacher – Elementary

Kim Gallagher Teacher 7/8

Martha Kemple ELA and Resource Room

Nate Leslie SPED Teacher

Christina Moreno SPED EA

Janel Thornton SPED EA

Debbie Eversole SPED EA

Bonnie Ragan – Head Cook
Susan Hamm – Second Cook
Chrissandra Loyer – Cooks Helper

1742 N. Fir St., Coquille, OR 97423
P. (541) 396-2414
F. (541) 396-2182

Welcome to Winter Lakes Elementary School!

The configuration of Winter Lakes Elementary offers a “blended learning” environment to students in grades K-7. Students may work from home, at school, or a combination of the two. The school building is open to students on a four-day school week, Mondays – Thursdays from 7:45am – 2:30pm. During the school sessions, certified teachers and educational assistants work with students to assist them with their classes. The staff and students of Winter Lakes Elementary appreciate the time you are taking to learn about our school.

Winter Lakes Elementary School’s mission is to “meet students where they are and take them beyond.” As students at Winter Lakes Elementary prepare for College, Career and Citizenship we provide a setting that enables every student to:

Learn – by taking classes in English, Science, Math, Social Studies, Second Language, Art, Health, Physical Education and Electives that are taught by highly qualified teachers and staff.

Personalize – their education through study in On-Line classes, Standards based assignments, Project-Based Learning, Internships with local businesses, and flexible schedules.

Engage – by practicing self-advocacy, exercising personal responsibility, and learning 21st Century skills and content designed to prepare graduates for life after high school in post-secondary education or a career.

We are very fortunate to have some wonderful community partners throughout the Coquille Valley that allow our students the opportunity to intern at various businesses and organizations. We are proud of our campus, our students, our academic program and being a school that develops and encourages creativity and student voice.

Winter Lakes Elementary offers something for all types of learners. Some learners do not choose a bigger, comprehensive high school, but one where they are known and supported by all staff in a smaller setting. If you attend or visit Winter Lakes Elementary, you will see that learning is a choice and that we expect students and staff to choose to learn every day. Being committed to our school is necessary; compliance is not enough. In today’s global economy there are many skills that must be learned. More than a high school diploma is necessary for a full life of opportunity.

Welcome to our community of learners! If you have any questions or would like to schedule a visit, please contact us at 541-396-2414.

About Our School

Referrals, Enrollment and Registration

Students in the Coquille School District begin the process by contacting the administration at their resident school. After obtaining permission to attend, students contact Winter Lakes School for an intake interview. A lottery for up to twenty open student placements also occurs in June of each school year. Lottery entry forms are available at the Coquille School District office.

Students residing in other Oregon school districts must obtain an Inter-District Transfer from the student’s home district or complete an Open Enrollment request (April 1 deadline for the following school year).

All students entering Winter Lakes School receive an individual orientation. It is also required that a parent or guardian participate in the informational session. Orientation will help the student and his/her family to understand Winter Lakes School’s programs and community. Students are expected to be responsible for their learning and achievement in order to continue enrollment at the school. Making timely progress towards their goals is one way students demonstrate that they are a good fit for Winter Lakes. Students will also be asked to appoint a Learning Coach for themselves. The role of a Learning Coach is to encourage the student to achieve their academics goals and to act as an intermediary between the student and the student’s Learning Specialist (teacher) at Winter Lakes.

Students at Winter Lakes School are provided with constant opportunities to set goals, self-assess, adjust priorities, and develop their strengths. Students attain real life skills necessary to be successful in high school and beyond. There is an intentional focus on job readiness and career exploration. Every student participates in an internship, in an area of interest by the end of their high school career. Students gain knowledge and skills as they organize, manage their time, set goals and learn self advocacy.

Students receive biweekly progress reports that track the volume of work completed for the time period as well as throughout the school year. Students and parents see exactly where they are in the pursuit of high school or grade level completion on a two-week cycle. They get teacher support as they complete coursework and prep for essential skill assessments. Winter Lakes School cultivates partnerships with many community members and organizations. Students participate in a variety of activities designed to give back to the community. Conferences may occur at any time. Parents or guardians are always welcome to take the opportunity to learn more about their student’s current and future goals and accomplishments.

Winter Lakes students are required to contact a school representative on a daily basis. Students may message or call any of the teachers or other school personnel, but this student-initiated contact must occur on all school days. Winter Lakes School staff may initiate interventions at any time a negative attendance pattern is observed. Good attendance practices are valued. Career related readiness skills involve worker/student daily production and proper respect shown to managers and co-workers/fellow students. In the “real world” you don’t get paid if you don’t show up!

Winter Lakes School is a closed campus during the school day however, we welcome visitation by families. Parents can contact the teacher or principal to arrange appointments for visits or just drop in. All parents, visitors, or guests are required to check-in at the office when arriving on campus.

Prospective students and their families are encouraged to make arrangements to visit the school and should contact the principal or secretary prior to a visit.

Standard Diploma Credit Requirements:

Trimester (Full Year)

English…………………….12 (4)
Mathematics………………9 (3)
Science……………………..9 (3)
Social Studies……………..9 (3)
Health………………………..3 (1)
Physical Education……….3 (1)
CTE, Arts or
Second Language………. 9 (3)

Employability…………1 (.33)

Electives…………..17 (5.66)

Essential Skill Requirements:

Students must also show proficiency in the Essential Skills of Reading, Writing and applying Mathematics, as outlined by the Oregon Department of Education. Smarter Balanced (OAKS) testing which is completed in each student’s junior year is one way in which students can show proficiency of the essential skills. Additional assessments that are currently used at WLS for students to meet essential skills requirements include: AP exams, PSAT, SAT, NCRC/Work Keys and structured work samples.

Grades K-5 are generally housed in the school’s elementary classroom when at Winter Lakes School. Our younger students also use the Odysseyware, on-line curriculum as well as supplemental materials and projects. This “one room school house” environment includes enrichment activities, such as; art, physical education, drama, etc.
Our Elementary Teacher is also a resource to families that choose to school from home, offering curriculum and advice on education as needed.

Students in grades 6 – 8 may work in either the elementary classroom or the high school rooms, based student needs.

Grades are issued as soon as a student completes enough work to earn a trimester credit (50 quarks) in a particular subject. All student work is evaluated in both quality and quantity. A point system (called quarks) is attached to all student work. Completed Odysseyware units are valued at 15 quarks. Other school work will have a quark value placed by the Learning Specialist (Teacher).

The standard grading scale (below) is used to evaluate the quality of student work.
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%

Students may also opt to receive a grade of “P”, which represents passing the course with a proficiency score of 70% or greater if they so choose (with parent permission). Additionally, some Elective and Internship credits will only receive a letter grade of “P”.


Winter Lakes School is surrounded by families and area businesses. We are a very visible school, located in the business district of Coquille.

We ask that Winter Lakes students show respect for our neighborhood and campus by observing the following:

  • No Littering – place soda cans/bottles, other food packaging, or any other “remains” in appropriate receptacles.
  • Carefully monitoring food or drinks.
  • Please pick up any garbage or litter that you see on sidewalks, parking lot and walking areas.
  • No Loitering – when students leave the school campus during class time they are expected to purposefully leave the school area and neighborhood. Students should be leaving school to go home, work or other destinations. When students leave campus they are not to return until the following school day.
  • Keep your verbal utterances appropriate in both volume and terminology.
Daily Class Schedule

7:45AM – 2:30PM
Lunch: 11:30 – 12:15
Individual students and parents set their schedule within the 7:45am – 2:30pm time-frame. Families may choose to set regular days and times for students to attend, work totally from home or function on a drop-in basis. Whatever the student’s schedule is, the staff at Winter Lakes Elementary School is always eager to offer assistance to students in person, on-line or via telephone or messaging. Additionally, a monthly calendar of enrichment activities is produced along with progress reports, every two weeks. WLE students have the opportunity to participate in: Internships, Physical Activities, Crafts, Field Trips, and various other activities on a regular basis.

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Student Rights

Students have the right to an appropriate education that prepares them for college, their career and their role as a citizen.
Students have the right to be safe while they learn.
Students have the right to learn, free of harassment, bullying, teasing or other forms of discrimination.
Students have the right to be treated respectfully.
Students have the right to be informed of their academic progress in school. Individual conferences with teachers regarding your academic progress are strongly encouraged.

Class disruptions
No one has the right to interfere with the learning, safety or well-being of anyone else in the school.  Winter Lakes High School has a very casual atmosphere where student cooperation is a paramount key to success.

Being Prepared for Class
Students are expected to have a positive attitude about learning.

Winter Lakes School is a closed campus. Passes are required if you are off campus during your class time. Students who have parental permission to be off campus pass for lunch do not need a pass to do so.

Food and Drink
Food and drink in class is at the discretion of the teacher. It is a privilege, not a right.

Dress Code
Attire should not be a distraction to learning. Please be respectful of our learning environment. Students will be asked to turn shirts inside out or to change clothing if it is inappropriate.  If anyone is offended by a student’s attire, it is deemed as not appropriate.

Please park your skateboards in the office for safekeeping. Do not ride your skateboard anywhere on the school campus.

Daily attendance is an essential building block for success in school and in the work force, even in a virtual school setting. Students need to check in with their Learning Specialist daily by being at school in person, calling or messaging.  If a student is going to be late or absent, it is their responsibility to call or message the school office. Parents are expected to prearrange or excuse all absences that may occur. Students and families share the responsibility for attendance and punctuality.

Cell Phones
Cell Phones are allowed during class time at Winter Lakes School. Responsible use of a cell phone is a 21st Century skill.  Appropriate use includes: Silenced ring tone, no excessive use, having conversations in a hallway or obtaining a pass from a learning specialist to go outside to have a conversation.

Students are expected to be responsible for their learning and achievement in order to continue enrollment at the school. Winter Lakes School is an option for a student’s education.  Students who do not academically achieve at WLS may best be served at another school setting.

Athletics – Winter Lakes student remain eligible to compete their school district of residence.  Students may join the athletic teams and participate in the activities of their resident high school or middle school, with permission of the resident school principal. All standard eligibility requirements remain in effect for students that choose to compete in athletics and activities.

College Now – This is an optional program available to high school students at Winter Lakes School.  In this cooperative arrangement, students take between 1-12 quarter hours of class at an Oregon Community College.  Tuition and tuition fees for the courses are paid by the school district.  Students and their families are financially responsible for transportation, books and any special equipment that may be necessary for college classes.  Students receive dual credit at the college and Winter Lakes.  Students must meet entry requirements of the college and agree to work on high school diploma completion.

Diploma – Winter Lakes’ students receive a standard diploma, issued from Winter Lakes School, as long as the student has met all of the standard graduation requirements. Students may also pursue a planned course of study to attain a modified diploma, extended diploma or GED.  Students desiring a diploma issued by Coquille High School must complete all of their senior level, required coursework at CHS in accordance with the Coquille High School handbook.  Students that are a resident of another school district may receive a WLS diploma.

Electives – The high school curriculum at Winter Lakes School includes a vast array of elective and high interest courses.  These classes include Advanced Placement, Art, Second Language, and Career and Technical Education in the areas of Agriculture, Architecture, A/V Technology, Business, Construction, Criminal Justice, Education, Finance, Health Science, Hospitality and Tourism, Human Services, Information Technology, Marketing, Media, Radio Broadcasting, STEM, Technology and Transportation.  Additional elective courses are added annually.  Approximately 80 elective courses are currently available with others constantly being developed.

Odysseyware – This is the on-line curriculum that is incorporated into the overall Winter Lakes curriculum. Full curricula is available for grades 3-12 while K-2 students focus on only Mathematics and Language Arts. Winter Lakes’ students rarely, if ever, carry a textbook.  Odysseyware allows for students to access their classes via the internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from anywhere that there is an internet connection.  Aside from the convenience of on-line learning, courses and curriculum are updated annually.  Learning tools, such as on-line Note Taking, Text to Speech, and Writer are also a benefit to students.

Special Education – Winter Lakes School has two full-time special education teachers and has the full support of the Coquille School District services to students on IEPs.

Transportation – Bus service is provided from home to and from school for students in the Coquille school district.  Students from other districts are responsible for their own transportation.

Transition – Winter Lakes’ administration and staff are dedicated to student success.  As a component of an education at Winter Lakes School, students are offered transition services in their final year of attendance at the school.  Whether planning for the work force, college, military or pursuing world travel; all students will be offered the tools for success after high school with the Winter Lakes Transition Program.

Don't Forget About

If you need to take medication at school, you must have a completed Authorization for Administration of Oral Medication at School form signed by a parent/guardian (if applicable) and completed by your physician detailing the method, amount, and time schedule of that medication. The above mentioned forms must be filled out in order to have medication at school. All prescription medication will be checked-in at the school office.

Students who ride a bus are expected to wait in a calm, appropriate manner until boarding the bus. Students who drive may park on the city streets or in the gravel parking lot. Students need to remember that this is public parking and they can be ticketed by the Coquille Police Department if parked illegally or reckless driving ensues.

Breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack service are available on a daily basis. All students may receive free meals.

In accordance with Federal law and US Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call, toll free 866-632-9992. Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay at 800-877-8339 or 800-845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.